Planet Radio
Planet Radio is a community where artists of any form can collaborate with any other artist to ultimately influence, encourage, and inspire one another to preserve the idea of art as a hobby or profession.
A community can help us find comfort in who we really are as individuals. Art is a great way to express our true selves, so, why not build a supportive art community?
A community can also be used as an inspiration tool to guide and motivate us to complete our next project.
Planet radio symbolizes a community with an environment of growth and prosperity for all artists. The cool thing is, that anyone can be inspirational, helpful, hardworking and kind, it’s just a matter of choice. That choice is what separates a person of society and society’s “Employee of the Month.”
Here are Planet Radio’s Employee of the Month, so far…
EOTM ‘24
EOTM ‘21
Want to become an Employee of the Month? Click the discord link to learn more